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  • T300 Mobility Scooter
    0 out of 5

    Mojo T300

    Mojo T300 是全球最輕的電動代步車

    高品質鎂合金製造, 包含耐用的鋰電池總重僅19.5公斤。


  • 腦癱兒童輪椅
    0 out of 5


    Cub 兒童輪椅是一款專為無法自行坐起、調整姿勢或抬頭的兒童設計的椅子,特別是對於患有腦癱的兒童,他們需要一款能提供至少 45 度傾斜支持的座椅。它具有全地形功能,像嬰兒車一樣便於運輸,且易於調整的定位功能,能讓使用者、護理人員和提供者感到輕鬆滿意。

  • Whill Model F
    0 out of 5

    Whill Model F

    Whill Model F

  • Superlite L
    0 out of 5

    Superlite L

      • 全鋁合金結構設計,重量只有9.5公斤
      • 靠背和坐墊套可隨時拆卸及清洗。
      • 扶手可升高,使用者更容易轉移位置或靠近餐桌。
      • 可以摺疊變得更小巧而節省空間,容易放進車廂,乘撘公共交通也變得輕鬆自在。


  • T300 Mobility Scooter
    0 out of 5

    Mojo T300

    Mojo T300 是全球最輕的電動代步車

    高品質鎂合金製造, 包含耐用的鋰電池總重僅19.5公斤。


  • 腦癱兒童輪椅
    0 out of 5


    Cub 兒童輪椅是一款專為無法自行坐起、調整姿勢或抬頭的兒童設計的椅子,特別是對於患有腦癱的兒童,他們需要一款能提供至少 45 度傾斜支持的座椅。它具有全地形功能,像嬰兒車一樣便於運輸,且易於調整的定位功能,能讓使用者、護理人員和提供者感到輕鬆滿意。



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  • 0 out of 5

    Ergobaum 7G Foldable Crutches 摺疊式手杖

    Price indicated is for a pair of Ergobaum.


    • Advancing the technology of crutches for your comfort and mobility.
    • A new generation of mobility support with enhanced safety, performance, comfort, and elegance. Ergobaum Crutches improve the quality of life for those needing to use walking devices- either for a temporary injury or for a chronic condition.
    • With Ergobaum Crutches, you no longer have to suffer from hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder pain.
    • If you have felt inconvenienced and awkward using standard crutches, you can finally have some conveniences and accommodations that make getting around easier for you. Ergobaum Crutches are the new standard.
  • 0 out of 5

    日本Whill Model C2 代步車

    WHILL Model C2 (新款)  代步車

    • 符合人體工學的控制桿,操控時更為舒適

    • 扶手可翻起,方便過床過椅

    • 安全靈活系統,即使在斜坡上,只要鬆開手指便能平穩

    • 椅背可向前摺,方便運送、易於收藏及節省存放空間

    • 能符合一般私家車後備箱容量,方便出行

    • 榮獲美國TIMES 2018年度50大最佳發明獎、Good Design Award、德國Red Dot Design Award等多項設計

    $36,800 $34,800
  • -6%
    Dash 代步車
    0 out of 5

    Dash 代步車

    Dash is a simple, durable, affordable, foldable, and portable mobility scooter.

    $16,800 $15,800
  • 0 out of 5

    Adjustable Headrest

    Wheelchair Adjustable Headrest

    $1,980 $1,680
  • -3%
    ATTO Sport
    0 out of 5

    ATTO SPORT 代步車

    ATTO Sport is the “Sports Car” of mobility scooters. It has many outstanding features that no other mobility scooters can provide. The stylish look of it definitely attracts lots of attention along the way you drive.

    $28,800 $27,800
  • 0 out of 5

    輪椅升降腳架Raisable Footrest

    這輪椅升降腳架適合用於 PW-800AX, PW-777LC, PW-778LC。標價是一對售賣的。

    $1,580 $1,280
  • 0 out of 5

    Multi-function Commode 多功能移位器

    If you are still considering a wheelchair, commode chair, or transfer chair, this is the best wheelchair. Multi-function Commode Wheelchair combines all the features of the mentioned wheelchair and yet sells under a reasonable price. It is Lightweight and easy to use and very suitable for transferring patients from bed or seat.

    $4,990 $4,380

Best Selling Products

  • 0 out of 5

    3合1水瓶架 3 in 1 Bottle Holder


  • 0 out of 5

    Ergobaum 7G Foldable Crutches 摺疊式手杖

    Price indicated is for a pair of Ergobaum.


    • Advancing the technology of crutches for your comfort and mobility.
    • A new generation of mobility support with enhanced safety, performance, comfort, and elegance. Ergobaum Crutches improve the quality of life for those needing to use walking devices- either for a temporary injury or for a chronic condition.
    • With Ergobaum Crutches, you no longer have to suffer from hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder pain.
    • If you have felt inconvenienced and awkward using standard crutches, you can finally have some conveniences and accommodations that make getting around easier for you. Ergobaum Crutches are the new standard.
  • 0 out of 5

    PW-1000XL 輕便摺合式電動輪椅


    輕便摺合式電動輪椅 Foldawheel PW-1000XL 是目前市場上最新的快速摺合的輕便電動輪椅( 2 秒內可開合)。如果您喜歡我們的Foldawheel PW-999UL,但需要座寬闊一些或擔心承載重量問題,那就請選擇Foldawheel PW-1000XL吧!Foldawheel PW-1000XL還能讓您体驗更快的行駛速度。

  • 0 out of 5

    Foldawheel PW-1000XL電池Battery

    我們用於Foldawheel PW-1000XL電池是鋰聚合物電池,相比一般筒形和鉛蓄電池更加安全。不但耐用及高電量,而且體積細小和輕身,重量只有1.5公斤(3.3磅)。

    一組電池可以容許輪椅使用者行駛約16公里(10英里),相比大部份輪椅使用者為多。不過,偶然如新客戶購買Foldawheel時,我們可以當作額外電池銷售,另使用者可以不停地行駛32公斤(20英里)。電池已經安裝於Foldawheel PW-999UL的一邊支撐支架上,可以在左或右面操作。

  • 0 out of 5

    Mojo T200 代步車

    Mojo T200 可分為兩部分以便於搬運,並可使用遙控器自動折疊。它配備了4個減震蜂窩輪胎和一個帶避震座椅,大大增加舒適性。

  • 0 out of 5

    LEO 最輕盈的站立式輪椅

    LEO Standing Wheelchair 站立式輪椅不但解決走路問題, 更重要同時提升個人體質。非一般市面上 純走路輪椅可以替代。香港居住環境過份擠迫,如果輪椅是必須的,那麼一張純走路的輪椅實在有點浪費了生活空間。研究發現人,如果每日能增加站立的次數及時間,可以提供身體有以下九項益處。



    (三) 改善排便;

    (四) 改善泌尿系統;

    (五) 防止肌腱收縮;

    (六) 預防及治愈壓瘡;

    (七) 減少肌肉痙攣;

    (八) 減少關節僵硬;

    (九) 提高骨質密度。

    跟據客戶回饋,站立式輪椅針對初期中風患者提供更適切的服康治療,效果尤其顯著。 自家擁有有一張站立輪椅可以提升身體鍛鍊的頻率,從而減低外出進行物理治療的要求。

  • 0 out of 5

    LED Light

  • Whill Model F
    0 out of 5

    Whill Model F

    Whill Model F


Top Rated Products

  • 0 out of 5

    Ergobaum 7G Foldable Crutches 摺疊式手杖

    Price indicated is for a pair of Ergobaum.


    • Advancing the technology of crutches for your comfort and mobility.
    • A new generation of mobility support with enhanced safety, performance, comfort, and elegance. Ergobaum Crutches improve the quality of life for those needing to use walking devices- either for a temporary injury or for a chronic condition.
    • With Ergobaum Crutches, you no longer have to suffer from hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder pain.
    • If you have felt inconvenienced and awkward using standard crutches, you can finally have some conveniences and accommodations that make getting around easier for you. Ergobaum Crutches are the new standard.

Product Category

  • 0 out of 5

    3合1水瓶架 3 in 1 Bottle Holder


  • Active Wheelchair
    0 out of 5

    Active 運動輪椅

    Active 是一款特別輕便的輪椅,設計上注重各部件的便捷調整性。面對即便是高端定制輪椅在實際使用時可能存在的不足,Active 透過合理的價格與高度可調節性之間的完美平衡,有效解決了這一問題。

  • 0 out of 5

    Adjustable Headrest

    Wheelchair Adjustable Headrest

    $1,980 $1,680
  • 0 out of 5

    Air Gel Cushion

  • -3%
    ATTO Sport
    0 out of 5

    ATTO SPORT 代步車

    ATTO Sport is the “Sports Car” of mobility scooters. It has many outstanding features that no other mobility scooters can provide. The stylish look of it definitely attracts lots of attention along the way you drive.

    $28,800 $27,800
  • 腦癱兒童輪椅
    0 out of 5


    Cub 兒童輪椅是一款專為無法自行坐起、調整姿勢或抬頭的兒童設計的椅子,特別是對於患有腦癱的兒童,他們需要一款能提供至少 45 度傾斜支持的座椅。它具有全地形功能,像嬰兒車一樣便於運輸,且易於調整的定位功能,能讓使用者、護理人員和提供者感到輕鬆滿意。

  • -6%
    Dash 代步車
    0 out of 5

    Dash 代步車

    Dash is a simple, durable, affordable, foldable, and portable mobility scooter.

    $16,800 $15,800
  • 0 out of 5

    DRACO 站立及躺平電動輪椅

    Draco Standing Wheelchair 全功能電動站立輪椅不但解決走路問題,同時提供平躺和踏板昇降功能。更重要可以提升個人體質。非一般市面的純走路輪椅可以替代。香港居住環境過份擠迫,如果輪椅是必須的,那麼一張純走路的輪椅實在有點浪費了生活空間。 是一所站立輪椅的專賣店。研究發現人,如果每日能增加站立的次數及時間,可以提供身體有以下九項益處。



    (三) 改善排便;

    (四) 改善泌尿系統;

    (五) 防止肌腱收縮;

    (六) 預防及治愈壓瘡;

    (七) 減少肌肉痙攣;

    (八) 減少關節僵硬;

    (九) 提高骨質密度。


  • 0 out of 5

    Easy Cane 高度易調拐杖

  • 0 out of 5

    Ergobaum 7G Foldable Crutches 摺疊式手杖

    Price indicated is for a pair of Ergobaum.


    • Advancing the technology of crutches for your comfort and mobility.
    • A new generation of mobility support with enhanced safety, performance, comfort, and elegance. Ergobaum Crutches improve the quality of life for those needing to use walking devices- either for a temporary injury or for a chronic condition.
    • With Ergobaum Crutches, you no longer have to suffer from hand, wrist, arm, or shoulder pain.
    • If you have felt inconvenienced and awkward using standard crutches, you can finally have some conveniences and accommodations that make getting around easier for you. Ergobaum Crutches are the new standard.
  • 0 out of 5

    Foldawheel ECO

    Foldawheel Eco is a power chair that is more adaptable to body size, and at the same time, it is

      • Very reasonable in cost
      • Strong frame yet very lightweight
      • Foldable and compact
      • Durable Li-ion Battery for a long lifespan.
      • Powerful and efficient motor for more travel distance.
  • 0 out of 5

    Foldawheel PW-1000XL電池Battery

    我們用於Foldawheel PW-1000XL電池是鋰聚合物電池,相比一般筒形和鉛蓄電池更加安全。不但耐用及高電量,而且體積細小和輕身,重量只有1.5公斤(3.3磅)。

    一組電池可以容許輪椅使用者行駛約16公里(10英里),相比大部份輪椅使用者為多。不過,偶然如新客戶購買Foldawheel時,我們可以當作額外電池銷售,另使用者可以不停地行駛32公斤(20英里)。電池已經安裝於Foldawheel PW-999UL的一邊支撐支架上,可以在左或右面操作。
